The Kafka head one of the most controversial works of art in Prague is located near the Old Town.
We leave the metro station Národní and we are in the Quadrio shopping centre. We leave the building through an exit and stand directly in front of a huge spinning head. The sun is glittering on the sculpture and I have to squint my eyes to get a closer look.
In November 2014, the artist David Černý erected an eleven-metre high sculpture right next to the shopping centre building. The work of art weighs a total of 39 tons, divided into steel and a lot of technology.
Loudly creaking and scraping, 42 differently shaped superimposed layers of steel move in a circle. In some moments you can’t tell what kind of overall picture they are supposed to create and only a few moments later a head emerges. This head represents the image of the Czech writer Franz Kafka.
I find the sculpture interesting and in any case louder than I thought. Especially in the morning sun it was simply beautiful to look at.
11000 Praha 1- Nové Město
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