The district of Elber-Elster is located in the south of the federal state of Brandenburg. Anyone planning a holiday in this region will have a wonderful quiet time.
The district is characterised in the west and south by the rivers Elbe and Elster, as well as some of their tributaries. The western part of the district borders on Niederlausitz and in the north on Niedere Fläming. Much of the area is used for agriculture, but there are also beautiful wooded areas.
Ausflugstipps für den Landkreis Elbe-Elster
I had the Visitor Mine F60 on my destinations-wishlist for a little while. Now we finally got to go on an excursion to the brown coal opencast mining area in Lusatia.
Travel information for the district
By plane
The nearest international airport is Berlin-Brandenburg.
By train
For example, the railway lines from Berlin to Cottbus and from Finsterwalde to Luckau run through the region.
By car
There are no motorway connections through the area. Those travelling by car can use the federal roads B 87, B 96, B 101, B182, B 183 and B 187.