Sometimes you find an article on the internet by chance that turns out to be a really great tip. We were at the Streetfood auf Achse event at the KulturBrauerei.
Street food is really great. In every country, in every city, there are culinary specialities that you can get in street food. In Berlin, you think of currywurst with red/white fries, in Italy of pizza and ice cream and in England of fish and chips. We like to try street food and so far we have always found something we liked.
By chance I came across “Streetfood auf Achse” on the internet. A street food market is held regularly at the KulturBrauerei in Prenzlauer Berg. Many vendors from different countries present real delicacies.
For example, the Bao Burger. A really tasty burger that comes with meat or tofu. Super tasty spicy sauce, fresh vegetables and a bun baked in hot steam add a special touch.
We also loved the delicious sweet potato fries with saffron dip from the Schnitzel Truck. The burgers on offer also looked very tempting, but we already had our eye on a completely different stand.
Cuban Mediterranean Soul Food was on offer at the Boss Kraken stand. The tostones smiled at us without knowing what it actually was. But we were enlightened: sliced plantains, breaded and deep-fried with savoury dip or salt. We found out really warm and with salt they were our favourite. Very tasty!!!!
So, what is best for dessert? Of course, an ice cream! We were lucky to find Flocky’s at the street food market in the KulturBrauerei. Here you can get ice cream like snow.
The ice cream is grated into flakes by a machine. The cup feels as if it is empty in your hand, so light and fluffy is the ice cream. We were very enthusiastic about the peanut variety.
Back home, I first downloaded the app “Find your Food Truck” by Freshdaily. It shows food trucks in the Berlin area with their current location and opening hours. A great idea that we will definitely test out. I’m sure there are similar offers for other areas as well. For our next trip, I’ll do a search beforehand.
Our culinary excursion to street food on the road was definitely worth it!
App: “Find your Food Truck”:
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